Get involved

Perform onstage
We are looking for musical, sports and drama performances from individuals and groups who are LGBT-friendly.

Sponsor the parade
We offer a variety of sponsorship packages, including website advertising, booths and space in the official guide to TRP2013.

Report on the parade
We welcome applications from journalists, photographers, video journalists, bloggers and social media commentators.

Organise the parade
Join us and help make the next event a success! We have many flexible roles which are open to anyone who wants to help out.

Help on the day
You can also volunteer just on the day to help with the running of events and ensure the safety of those participating.

Run a booth
Hire a booth and expand your business within the LGBT community, or perhaps run an exhibition about your charity or social group.

Decorate a float
Why not make a float or take part as a walking group? It's an ideal way to express support and show that your organisation is LGBT-friendly.

Send a message of support
We are collecting messages of support from groups and individuals around the world. Send us yours and read those we've collected already.